
Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Ahoy, Matey!

En français:
-Nous avons fabriqué des bateaux en liège aujourd'hui, et nous avons appris l'importance de la quille pour la stabilité du bateau.
-Nous avons un nouveau journal à thème, ou nous pouvons écrire à propos des dessins que nous avons donné à Madame.
-Notre pirate de classe nous a ammené un jeu avec les sons. 

In English:
-We built cork boats today, where we learned the importance of the hull of a boat for stability. 
-We have a new themed journal. We can write about the drawing we have given to Madame.
-Our class pirate gave us a game about French sounds. 


  1. We think it is cool to learn about boats! What kind of boats are you making? Who is the pirate? A teacher? A student? Captain Hook?

    1. The pirate is a real pirate that turns into a puppet during the day. His name is Captain Rousseau. We are going to make pirate ships, but on that day we were learning about how the hull makes a boat more stable. Thanks for reading our blog :-)
