
Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Can you make a pebble float?

We had a busy day in science today! Our challenge, was to make a pebble float. Look at all of the different designs we came up with. What a creative bunch of 2nd graders :-) Some of us got to test our designs, and the others will do so next time. Several students chose to make a flat surface, in an effort to disperse the weight. Others made masts, as they thought it would create more stability. We are getting closer and closer to being ready to build our pirate ships. Arrr!

Virtual Fieldtrip to Ottawa!

En français: 
Quelle journée fantastique! Nous avons fait un appel "skype" avec le Musée des Beaux Arts, à Ottawa. L'animatrice nous a montré des ouvres d'art et nous avons parlé du premier plan, deuxième plan et l'arrière plan. Nous avons aussi parlé des couleurs froids et chauds. C'était incroyable

In English:
What an amazing Day! We "skyped" with the National Gallery of Canada, in Ottawa. Our class looked at paintings and talked about how sometimes the artist doesn't show all of the details that a picture would. For example, one of the paintings only had some facial features. We learned about warm/cool colours and background and foreground. It was a blast! :-) 

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Ahoy, Matey!

En français:
-Nous avons fabriqué des bateaux en liège aujourd'hui, et nous avons appris l'importance de la quille pour la stabilité du bateau.
-Nous avons un nouveau journal à thème, ou nous pouvons écrire à propos des dessins que nous avons donné à Madame.
-Notre pirate de classe nous a ammené un jeu avec les sons. 

In English:
-We built cork boats today, where we learned the importance of the hull of a boat for stability. 
-We have a new themed journal. We can write about the drawing we have given to Madame.
-Our class pirate gave us a game about French sounds. 

Monday, 18 January 2016

Le Chat Botté

Le Chat Botté, par Gustave Doré
En français:
-Nous avons écouté le compte du "Chat Botté". C'était à propos d'un chat qu'on connait déjà, mais c'était le compte original. Le chat était intélligent!
-Le son de la semaine est: AIL
-Bowen, de 80 anthems in 80 days, nous a répondu à propos des forces à l'équateur qui ont causé qu'il pouvait facilement séparer les mains de son papa. C'était intéressant! Merci, Bowen! 

In English:
-We listened to "puss in Boots" today. It was about a cat that we are already familiar with from Shrek, but it was the original story. The cat was very smart!
-The sound of the week is:AIL
-Bowen, from 80 anthems in 80 days, answered our question about why he could easily open his dads hands when he was standing on the equator. He said that there were three forces at play: Gravity, Centrifugal force and the Coriolis Effect. It was very interesting! Thank you, Bowen!

Friday, 15 January 2016

The Equator is Amazing!

En français:
-Bowen est est allé au milieu du monde (l'équateur). Il nous a dit des faits intéressants à propos de l'équateur: comme la difficulté de garder les mains ensemble, si quelqu'un essaye de les séparer. Aussi, l'eau tourne en différents directions au hémisphère sud et nord.
-On a eu une assemblé aujourd'hui. À l'assemblé on a regardé un vidéo à propos de comment travailler en premier ensuite jouer.

In English:
-Bowen is an 8 yr. old blogging about his experiences while travelling on a fundraising trip with his family. We read about how he went to the middle of the Earth (equator). We learned about the equator and the hemispheres. Bowen described some interesting things about the equator, like it is hard to keep your hands together if someone tries to open them, and draining water turns in different directions in the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.
-We had an assembly today. We watched a video about putting first things first.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Our Pirate Names

argh! talk like a pirate day is sept 19!
En français:
-Notre pirate Capitaine Rousseau est venu nous voir. Il nous a donné chacun un nom de pirate. Arrr! Nous avons dessiné nos pirates pas la suite.
-En sciences, nous avons mis des choses (chagements) dans des bateaux simples en pâte à modeler. Des choses ont flotté et d'autres choses ont coullé.

In English:
-Our pirate, Captain Rousseau, came to visit and gave us each a pirate name. Arrr! We drew our pirate personas afterwards.
-In science, we saw if we could make a simple plasticine boat hold something and still foat. Some things floated and some things sank.

Monday, 11 January 2016

From the Mountains to the Ocean

My visit to Tunnel Mountain Banff Alberta Canada Eastern Sunset
En français:
-En Études Sociales, nous avons discuté de la différence entre la géographie à High River et celle de Meteghan.
-En Mathématiques, nous avons parlé de nos stratégies d'addition et nous avons fait un problème écrit.

In English:
-In Social Studies, we talked about the difference between the geography of High River and Meteghan.
-In math, we discussed our strategies for two-digit addition.

Friday, 8 January 2016

A Cold Day With Van Gogh

We had a busy day in 2PL :-)
-We played "Guess My Number" via skype, with Mrs. Saunderson's class this morning. We wanted to ensure our technology is working well, as we are having a video conference with the National Gallery of Canada at the end of the month. What an exciting opportunity!
-We are discussing strategies for two-digit addition. We are really doing well with regrouping.
-We discussed Vincent Van Gogh's work "The Starry Night" and created our own winter versions. Come see them hanging outside our classroom.
-It was a very chilly day and we had two indoor recesses today. We are hoping for warmer temperatures on Monday, so we can get back to working on our snow forts.
Have a great Weekend!
Madame Polège